Monday, January 10, 2011

What I've Learned in 2010

It's the new year. Most people have what they call "New Year's Resolution" but I decided to write
down all the things I've learned in the year that was. Lessons which are valuable to me and I sure
hope  is worth sharing with others.


1.) Do not rush. I was caught up in the moment when I decided to get into a relationship not really
thinking if it's right or not. It's always better and wiser to think things through first. Just take things
slow and steady.

2.) Find a hobby.  I've always been wanting to learn but it was only last year that I've finally bought myself
a guitar and started playing. It gives me so much joy to have something I enjoyed doing Maybe what started as a hobby could turn into a passion.

3.) Travel more. One must travel at least once a year whether locally or abroad. I had my first ever
travel abroad in 2010. Man, what a great experience. I recommend that you must travel with a
bunch of friends, it'll make the trip even more memorable.

4.) Joy is not the same as Happiness. Only last year did  I totally understood the difference
between the two. I always chase for happiness but it's only temporary. Joy is something from within and long-lasting.  I'm still learning the ways on how to be joyful though.

5.) Let yourself grow. I think this is a personal breakthrough for me. I've learned to allow
myself to grow spiritually and emotionally. We are indeed a work in progress so keep growing!

The year 2010 was a roller-coaster ride for me. There are moments of highs and lows, twists and
turns but I must  say write that the things I've learned made the ride worth-while. I would not have it any other way because of the people, experiences and lessons it brought into my life. I'm grateful for you
2010. May the lessons I've learned will help me as I journey through life in this new year and the
years to come.